How KKGMayfair Started



Happy coincidences and favourable dispositions in the autumn of 2014 in a lovely Georgetown coffee shop, on Jalan Nagore.  In 2015 the beginnings were challenging to put it mildly, and tough, but every minute was worth it, thanks to some wonderful people around me. Delightful and fascinating artists. Too many details to recount the whole story briefly. Suffice it to say that in 2016 it was decided rename what was called 21 Gallery to KKG Gallery (Keeni Kessler Gallery). Many delightful events were held (various art forms) and my very special thanks to 2 artistic mentors, Doris Hafner and Albert Foo. Doris is an art historian in her own right, and an active artist, now back in Germany after spending about 4 years here in Penang. And Albert Foo, a wonderful Penang photographer cum graphic artist whose designs are ideas with those of Doris, completely shaped KKG.

Our Penang operation is now closed, but the plan is to set up a small and modest location in Northern Macedonia. Hopefully the Covid 19 pandemic  will be controlled in the near future, thus allowing for better planning and travel, thus allowing for active events in 2021 or 2022 at the latest.